GLOW-A Language For Smart Contracts and DApps
Glow is a DSL: a Domain Specific programming Language to write Smart Contracts and DApps, and because it is focused on that, it performs better than any of the proprietary languages usually tied to a blockchain.
It is the ideal product for people with business ideas but a limited budget or programming proficiency.
Looking to use Glow on a project?

Simpler than Solidity
What you write in a hundred lines of code on Solidity, Glow will write it in ten times (yes, 10x) less code. Because Glow has been designed to accomplish one task precisely, it requires less code.
Less code less problems
Because of its specifications, Glow is immune to entire classes of bugs: a developer couldn’t produce them on purpose.
Less code means a cheaper auditing budget, fewer potential issues, and of course less development time.
Code once, compile on any chain
We at MuKn can port compiler to virtually any chain: since its syntax stays the same, you can safely try your smart contracts on a chain and change your mind later.
Embeded smart contract safety
Because of our expertise in formal methods and smart contracts safety, Glow automatically verifies the correctness of your code and makes sure no undesired property remains hidden.