Co-Founder, Chief Communications Officer, Media Production, Voice Overs, Translation, CEO Sky Protocol
Gauthier specializes in business development and communications.
Gauthier is an expert in all areas of media, and is passionate about using blockchain to solve global injustices.
Media expert and former film producer, Gauthier produces MuKn’s “Mutual Knowledge” Podcast and educational information on blockchain technology and business, interviewing the world’s leading experts on using blockchain technology for social change.
Areas of Gauthier’s research include decentralized justice systems, tokenization of governance, and use of cryptocurrency for decentralized systems of freedom, and he has been the head of PR of the Free Republic of Liberland.
Doubling his career with psychotherapy and coaching, Gauthier acts as a trainer and advisor for many companies (in France or in other countries). So far, he has founded 10 enterprises and advised many more as a consultant and trainer in fields such as biotech, insurance, wellbeing, banking, nuclear physics, fast-food, and goods distribution.
Gauthier has a very versatile set of skills in different areas such as cooking, scuba diving, martial arts, yoga, piano, learning many foreign languages and many others…