Email: [email protected] (preferred) | LinkedIn: @fahree | Signal: +1 617 575 9012 | GitHub: @fare | Telegram: @FrancoisRene | Twitter: @ngnghm (Computer Science) or @phanaero (cryptocurrency).

Hello, I am Faré, President and Chief Scientist of Mutual Knowledge Systems, a.k.a. MuKn (pronounced “Moon”—the K is silent), a Consultancy creating innovative decentralized solutions for all blockchains public and private.

We can help you solve your hardest and most valuable problems, at the highest levels of software architecture economic mechanism design, as well as your lowest levels of computing optimization or economic efficiency.

My main current interest is to build the Chenilles network together with the Glow language. I also oversee the technology behind our entreprise payment solution web3-enabler, and behind FormalFoundry our combined efforts in formal methods and machine learning. Our current and past designs include the following:

Other technologies I have designed for MuKn include:

I look forward to discussing with you how MuKn can help you adopt or enhance blockchain technologies, audit and repair your designs, or provide you with great investment opportunities. Together we will have Blockchain made usable by normal people!—where anyone and everyone uses blockchain technology as a matter of course, without breaking a sweat, without even being more than vaguely aware that they are using a blockchain.

To connect, email [email protected] (preferred), send private messages on Signal +1 617 575 9012, or, if you must, contact on Telegram @FrancoisRene or on on linkedin @fahree. You may also follow on GitHub @fare my public code updates, on Twitter @ngnghm my infrequent programming language takes, or also on Twitter @phanaero my rarer tweets as crypto entrepreneur.

PS: Our super power is being simultaneously fluent in many domains of which our competitors can only handle a couple at a time—theoretical computer science, programming language design and implementation, logic (classical or intuitionnistic, epistemic or linear; game semantics), reflection, distributed systems, network protocols, cryptography, game theory, economic mechanism design, cryptoeconomics, finance, law, adversarial thinking, etc. Our secret weapons are the programming languages Gerbil Scheme and Cubical Agda, that enable us to do what our competitors can't. And we compete with better funded competitors by playing moneyball—hiring great but undervalued outliers that we know how to make productive when other companies don't.