Marketing Intern
2010 Alumnus from the University of British Columbia in Business Management and holder of a Master of Arts, Hugues has been an entrepreneur for 15 years in the field of industrial translation and localization: web and mobile apps, software, UX/UI, websites, and overall marketing content.
His customers ranged from industrial translation to finance, fintech and of course defi: broker apps and Websites, cryptocurrency & blockchain platforms, KIID, annual reports, UCITS IV, MiFID I & II & MIFIR regulatory documents for ETF, CFD, Forex, and Options brokers, bank warranties, prospectus, certificates of funds, collaterals, Trading T&C, Regulatory compliance documentation, Technical and fundamental analysis documents, weekly and monthly reviews and commentaries, etc.
In 2018, and for 18 months, Hugues was also in charge of setting up the Liberland Chamber of Commerce : facilitating cryptocurrency-based businesses for companies willing to interact with the Free Republic of Liberland, and helping set-up a decentralized blockchain-based dispute management system.
He is now a member of the MuKn marketing team.